About Me

My name is Katja Broadbent, I am an Energy Medicine Therapist and Kinetic Chain Release Practitioner. I have been studying Eden Energy Medicine for the last two years - and have learned how to work with energy testing (kinesiology), acupoints, meridians, radiant circuits, chakras, auras, energy psychology, and much more.  If you haven't heard of Eden Energy Medicine before, I was in the same position in December two years ago when I came across an online course being offered by Donna Eden and her husband, David Feinstein. I was at a point in my life where I felt very stuck: I was unhappy at work, my blood pressure was too high despite medication, I was drinking too much, too tired to go out, and not good company at home either. I had chronic pain in multiple joints, and felt like I had already tried everything I could to improve that situation.

Happily, it turned out that I was wrong. Donna Eden is truly inspiring. A small lady in her early 80s, she just glows with joy and radiance. I was immediately hooked. 'How can I regain that joy?' I wondered. I started to learn the 5 minute 'Daily Energy Routine', and managed to do it faithfully every day for a month. I listened to audio books  and engaged in art to help me initiate change, and am now much healthier and happier than I was two years ago. And I love teaching my newfound skills to others! The Daily Energy Routine is simple, and easy to follow, (you can do it lying down, or even just visualise it if you need to) and it helped me start to make small changes that mattered.  I could see that there was a lot more to learn, so I started to visit a wonderful practitioner in Windermere, Hazel Macfarlane. Soon I found that there was a first year practitioner's course starting in Scotland in April, and I am now looking forward to my eighth four day immersion class in Eden Energy Medicine, which will take place in Edinburgh, in January.

During my training in Eden Energy Medicine, I started to meet practitioners of Kinetic Chain Release in Scotland.  I was amazed at the stories I heard of people releasing long held tension in only three sessions, and being assisted to recover fully from more recent injuries in only one or two sessions. When I had the opportunity to try it myself, I did, and found it very helpful, and much more effective than my visits to physiotherapists have been. One thing led to another and so I went up to Aberdeen to learn the protocol, and then continued on to do my accreditation. 

Please get in touch if you are interested in learning more about how to balance your own energies, how to use a simple self-test to check whether certain foods or supplements may be of benefit to you, or if you would like to try experiencing Kinetic Chain Release, Eden Energy treatments or a Reiki session. You don't need to book an appointment straight away - we can have an introductory chat in person if you are in Scales, or Wigton, or if you are able to let me know in advance and drop in to the Gymgroup Carlisle on a Tuesday, or we can have one via Zoom, or just on the phone.