Kind Words

This beautiful work of art was painted by my friend Kath. Here I am sitting in a tree watching the sun go down .
"I have now had two wonderful treatments with Katja. I was particularly interested in learning more about Eden Energy Medicine as I’ve had Reiki in the past but the Eden Method wasn’t something that I was familiar with. Katja has such a warm, calming presence which puts you immediately at ease. She ran through a series of tests and I was really surprised to see how my body responded to them and to learn more about what they were telling her about my health – all of which was quite accurate! She followed up with a lovely relaxing energy treatment and even gave me homework to continue my treatment at home. My second treatment was especially intense and I felt a little emotional afterwards as it brought up some issues that I didn’t realise I was still holding on to enabling me to work through them over the following weeks. It was an unexpected though very much needed result and I would not hesitate in returning and recommending to all my friends. " Rachael Tate
"Many thanks for all your help and support over the year and sharing your expertise in so many areas. I so enjoy our sessions and learn something new on every visit."
"I felt very safe in Katja’s hands during the session. She was careful to check that I was comfortable – offering pillows under my legs and my head and giving me a warm blanket. Before the session she talked about singing during the session. I was interested in this as I know William Lee Rand uses chanting to enhance his Reiki. Katja was very clear it was just a suggestion and that it was my session so I should choose what I was most comfortable with. I found the singing made me feel very ‘held’. It was very gentle and unobtrusive and seems an interesting thing to explore, given the power of sound vibration in healing. During the session, Katja gave Reiki to the whole body, but she focused on areas to which she was most drawn. I found her to be very intuitive, being drawn to areas of my body where I might have expected. The level of pressure felt perfect for the ‘on body’ Reiki. During the session I felt very relaxed which is quite unusual for me. I could feel my shoulders and my hip release some tension. Before the session I had felt a bit fragile and we had talked about the fact I felt I needed Reiki to support my heart chakra. After the session I felt much more centred and able to step out into the world again. Katja is very caring and is entirely focused on the wellbeing of her client." Rosalind Russell - Reiki Teacher