Water - Winter
Hope is an emotion that is the positive expression of the Water Element in TCM. The Yang Water Meridian - Bladder - is related to Hope or a lack thereof. You can test the balance of your own Bladder Meridian by saying the statement: 'I feel vibrant, hopeful, and fully alive!' How easy was that to say, and mean it?
The Yin Water Meridian - Kidney - is related to Fear and Courage. You can test it by saying: 'I step forward with courage'. I often find this one easier than the Yang statement. But it is quite common to find the reverse. We need to be fully connected to our Source to really find it easy to step forward with courage. I must admit, I have faked it quite a lot in the past. Perhaps Courage should be my next poem...
Hope is a delicate flower,
That blooms in the desert of my longing
For that which I dearly desire,
To be aligned with my path.
Often I have done without hope,
Trust is safer,
If I express no longing
I cannot be disappointed.
But hope moves us,
Hope and desire are akin
If we do not clothe our wishes in hope
They may be too cold and afraid to step into the light.
I let hope bloom.
Tears water the sand in which it is rooted.
But it inspires my course
Strengthens my spirit,
And grounds me, deep into my heart.
31st March 2024
This poem took a while to write - I have often found Hope hard to access in the past. I worked with it a lot this spring, with the help of our hen Lemoncheep, who was ill with canker for a long time, but bravely did her best to eat, drink and rest, each day. So we supported her, and hoped with her, that she would get better. And she had lots of better moments, thanks to her own determination, our care, support from my kind friends Ros and Aileen, the vet, and from George Mackenzie in Kendal who has wonderful skills in vibrational healing - and lots of experience at working with animals. Lemoncheep has moved on, but we are grateful for all the time we were able to spend with her, and for the gentle courage and determination she showed us.